After you have done your own investigation, you are ready to consult the work of others by looking up your word in a theological dictionary or lexicon. Do not skip the work of your own investigation, because the most important data is what you have gathered looking at the biblical text yourself.
There are many excellent theological dictionaries available to consult, some of which require the user to know Hebrew/Greek. This guide will take you through the process for using one of the options available for the Old Testament or New Testament. Consult the QuickBib below to discover other resources.
Old Testament
If you are working in the Old Testament, look up your word in the New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology & Exegesis. Follow these steps:
*G/K Numbers (Goodrick/Kohlenberger) are an alternative system of classification from Strong's.
Having Trouble?
New Testament
If you are working in the New Testament, look up your word in the New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology & Exegesis. Follow these steps:
*G/K Numbers (Goodrick/Kohlenberger) are an alternative system of classification from Strong's.